Women Grow 2018

40087333892_5465e98daa_zI was lucky enough to attend the Women Grow Leadership Summit 2018 in Denver, Colorado on February 1-2. For my research on women in cannabis, this conference is a central piece for understanding women’s role in the legal cannabis industry, which Jane West says may become the first big industry not dominated by men. I’m interested in continuing to find interviewees and research participants of women cannabis consumers and industry workers, in the United States, and especially, internationally. While the US now has 9 recreational states and over half of the states with medical marijuana laws, the rest of the world does not–although Canada is scheduled to come online with their recreational marijuana law nationwide this summer, which would leapfrog the US. How are women leading the cannabis industry and movement in other countries, such as in Europe, Australia, or New Zealand? Please contact me for an interview (bevyuen@gmail.com) to take part in this project. I aim to publish academic articles, conference presentations, and an academic book on the topic. Let’s add women’s voices to the academic narrative on cannabis! To see all the photos from the summit that I took, check it out here. Feel free to use photos with proper credit @ Beverly Yuen Thompson.  39220790175_e75980582e_z